The Mission of

Birth in Ceremony

Birth in Ceremony is the culmination of many years’ worth of spiritual practices, womb healing & wisdom gathering by its creator, Amy Solara Mackey, with the mission to create a world filled with humans living life in ceremony.

By placing birth as the central focus of spiritual rites of passage, she aims to help mothers, babies, & families return to sacred living, in harmony with Nature & Source.

Using tools like coaching & mindset shifts, astrology & ritual, yoga & meditation, as well as communal ceremonies, she supports the process leading up to birth, witnesses birth itself, & the unfolding of a new chapter in the lives of mother & father as they welcome their divine child into the world.

With ceremony as the guiding spiral around this focus of birth, the next generation can shift into the conscious awakening that our planet is ready to experience.

About Me

Hello, I’m Amy Solara Mackey and I am so thrilled you are here! If you have read this far, it means you are genuinely curious about my story and work in the world, and I welcome your curiosity! Here is my journey leading through spiritual practices to birth, ceremony and you:

During the same year that I began to study magick, explore plant medicines, practice yoni steaming, develop a tarot reading practice and ritual skills, as well as welcome in the thought of becoming a mother one day, I was also invited to my first women’s red tent circle.

The book The Red Tent by Anita Diamant was not something I had heard of or was drawn to initially once I did, because I had, at the time, wholeheartedly rejected the biblical upbringing I had found so oppressive. To think that women were gathering this way because of a Bible story was dumbfounding to me. Then as I began to attend circles, and tarot and astrology were key components, and goddesses were regularly spoken of, and deep wisdom was shared by the crones to the mothers and the maidens, I slowly blossomed and opened my own sense of possibility. It wasn’t until much later that I actually read the book and realized that many of my favorite goddesses and gods were mentioned and worshiped by the characters within it, from Inanna, Ishtar and Asherah to Baal and Enki.

Fast forward almost two years later to when I moved to Phoenix with my new love (and now husband) and didn’t know a single person. I decided the best way to meet women I wanted to be in like-minded community with was to start a circle of my own! I was newly pregnant, exploring home birth options, and jumping head first into reading tarot and astrology for clients at the time, as well as completing yoga teacher training. It was quite a year, given that it was also my Saturn Return. 

Over the course of the following three years, I gave birth to 2 sons (one in a midwifery birth center, one with a homebirth medical midwife), became a life coach, led yoga retreats with my husband, and continued to run the women’s circle which met at every new moon. I learned many things at the end of that period of time, one of which was that not all circles are red tent style, not all women want every type of circle, and running circles as a mother was much different than as a maiden. I also stepped into facilitating womb healing and yoni steaming, and was blessed to share the practice with many women seeking to heal their bodies and conceive children. There was a yearning at this point to step into midwifery, yet all the models I found available were heavily focused on the medicalization of birth, and it didn’t feel quite right to me. I knew there was a missing piece, and so I refrained from following through with any midwife or doula training. I also began to burn out from leading circles every month in a way that attempted to incorporate too many aspects all at once--from red-tent-style sharing to goddess rituals to astrology new moon ceremonies. And so, I stepped away.

The next time I stepped into facilitating circle spaces I actively chose to create a format that involved much more ceremony and much less sharing, with goddesses and meditation at the core. While I loved leading that type of circle for a year, I also heard the voices of my sisters asking deeply to return to the Red Tent model of communal singing and sharing, with less of an emphasis on ceremony and ritual. While the latter appealed to a small group of dedicated women, it didn’t provide the space for us all to get to know each other to the level we wished, as visiting and speaking was always condensed. 

AND so, here I am today, offering 4 different kinds of circles, each with different opportunities to connect to the self, to sisters, and to the sacred feminine. One that is in that original red-tent style, for women (those born with a womb), to gather and share from their hearts and sing together; second, a mother’s circle (also called a village prenatal by Sister Morningstar); third, a processing circle for those who want to unpack and unravel the stories of their births; and fourth, a goddess circle, where deep ritual and ceremony are the focus.

I am also taking the womb healing and yoni steaming knowledge one step further by combining it with the life coaching and yoga/meditation teachings to craft a truly sacred birth coaching practice that places the body/mind/soul into the holistic framework nature always intended. 

Following this is my newest offering: the practice of radical birth keeping. This is not a medical service or practice. Instead, I am here to guide the mother through focusing on birth as a natural, physiological process that happens spontaneously within her womb, when her emotions and spiritual connection have been cultivated in the most loving way towards trusting her body and all it is capable of naturally doing. I offer my presence when the mother requests it, to support her in her authority and birth dance, while also stepping away to allow her birth to unfold in all its gloriousness. 

My promise to you: I value your time and mine, and promise that by working together, your growth and optimization is my main priority. I promise to show up fully, with all my knowledge base as well as an honest declaration of my biases, and to be candid with how I perceive the situation. I will hold you accountable for the work you agree to do, and I will celebrate with you when you achieve your goals.