Why work with me:
Why, you ask, should you work with me?
Because I know the difference between what I can and can’t do, and what I will and will not do, in order to help you access more power, grow spiritually, and live your dream life.
Here’s the gist:
What I Can’t and Won’t Do:
1. I cannot give you more power, or increase your power, or take power away from someone else and hand it to you.
Because you ARE power.
You already have all the power you need inside of you—it’s just a matter of accessing it, which we’ll work on. More on that in a sec.
2. I cannot help you find spirit guides, coerce angels, invite aliens to descend into your house, marry you to divinity or anything that entails creating otherworldly alliances.
Because you already are surrounded by an A-Team of disembodied helpers who are 1000% invested in your soul’s journey, and they all are just waiting for you to notice them! Also they are a part of you, but we’ll get to that in just a sec too.
3. I cannot tell you what practices to do or what food to eat or what books to read.
Because you have free will and get to choose what you will and won’t do, and I refuse to pretend I have power over you to make that decision, unless you decide to pay me as a Domme who commands you to do your homework.
What I Can and Will Do:
1. I will remind you each and every day that we work together that you are Divine even though you may have forgotten up until this moment.
I will remind you that you are always capable of accessing more of yourself, therefore more of your power, but that it might take time and some tools of integration along the way to be able to work with your true nature.
I will offer steps along the way to integrate the understanding of accessing your power—the main one being making friends with your ego, not destroying it.
The ego is there to give you a personality and to be used as a navigational system. You won’t be able to function in the world without a personality that can distinguish between itself and everyone else playing along in this game we call reality.
But if you can convince your ego that it will be safe even when the soul is driving the human-vehicle, life will go so much more smoothly and little miracles will blossom into full blown heaven on earth!
2. I will help you learn how to interact more efficiently with your spirit guides. This includes ways to call on them, to feel their presence, to bring them more closely in to focus in your life and in your meditations, and to truly engage with them until you don’t need them anymore.
Yep! Just like all student-teacher relationships, they are only there until you graduate to the next level.
So when you get to the part where you can lead your self, they become one with you (in a very metaphysical and meta-theatrical way, which I can’t wait for you to experience!).
As this happens, you get to circle back around to the first point: you already are Power. All the little steps along the way will always bring you back to the fact that you are Divine and you get to determine the world(s) you are living in.
All of this is accessible the minute you are willing to believe it, but sometimes that takes some practice…
Which leads us to homework!
3. While I can’t make you do any of the work, I can and will offer you many, many, many (did I say many?) books to read, journal prompts you can try, elemental practices to play with and nutritional advice. I’ll tell you about some bars to which you can set your standards of measurement, and some ways you can tap into ancient knowledge by using herbal remedies. I’ll enumerate the multitude of benefits that plant medicine ceremonies can bring you and share some safe spaces where they can be encountered. I’ll offer you yoga postures, sequences and practices, EFT (emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping) suggestions, sound healing, chakra clearing, and more!!
I know, how much more can there be?? But with all I’ve collected in this lifetime and past lifetimes, there really is a fountain of endless possibilities and combinations once we get going.
But — and this is a really big BUT —
It is up to you to utilize them.
If you don’t do the work in between when we meet (and after we are through), there is nothing I can offer you.
If you aren’t willing to shed some tears, sweat a little, let go of habits that don’t serve you, face your fears, and embrace some scary sides within yourself, it will feel like we aren’t getting anywhere together, for both of us.
At that point, you might want to blame me for not handing you a magic pill to fix all your problems. I like blame (it means I’m powerful enough to be responsible), so please, don’t hold back!
Also, I like to offer everyone I work with the red pill/blue pill analogy, so you can’t say I didn’t offer you a magic pill.
But analogies aside, I don’t give you a miracle fix, or a one-size fits all Secret, or a get rich quick scheme.
I will offer you tools to fall in love with yourself, embrace your ultimate potential, and create the reality of your dreams.
Aaaaannnddd—I can also be a Domme that tells you to do your homework if that’s what you’re into—just sayin.
Ready to begin? Click here for info.